VER* Generation & Total Load in The BPA Balancing Authority

  1. BPA Balancing Authority Load & Total VER, Hydro, and Fossil/Biomass Generation, Chart & Data, Rolling 7 days
    This analysis is updated approximately every 5 minutes with a 7-day lookback.
    See Item #5 for historical data.
  2. BPA Balancing Authority Total Wind and Solar (Generation and Basepoint), Chart & Data, Rolling 7 days
    This analysis is updated approximately every 5 minutes with a 7-day lookback.
    See Item #5 for historical data.
  3. Historical Aggregated Wind Generation Forecasts (no longer available)
  4. BPA Balancing Authority Load & Total VER, Hydro, Fossil/Biomass Generation, and Net Interchange Chart & Data, Rolling 7 days
    This analysis is updated approximately every 5 minutes with a 7-day lookback.
    See Item #5 for historical data.
  5. Data for BPA Balancing Authority Total Load, Wind Gen, Wind Forecast, Solar Gen, Solar Forecast, Hydro, Thermal, and Net Interchange:   
    (Note-New data format for 2022 and beyond implemented 08/17/22)
    2025   2024   2023   2022   2021  
    2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011  
    2010   2009   2008   2007  
    Data at 5-minute increments for years 2007-present.
  6. BPA Balancing Authority Installed Nameplate Wind Gen and Solar Capacity By Plant, Current (Updated 06/22/2022)
    Includes historical sequential growth in BPA wind gen capacity, based on first date that actual gen exceeded 50% of nameplate.
  7. Wind and Solar Generation Plant List, Current (Updated 06/22/2022)
    Includes plant capacities and in-service dates
  8. Meteorological Data from BPA Sites
    5-Minute Averages for Rolling 10-day Period
  9. BPA EIM Status, Operational Controls for Balancing Reserves State and Oversupply Mitigation State
  10. BPA Reserves Deployed:
    This analysis is updated approximately every 5 minutes with a 7-day lookback.
  11. Operational Controls for Balancing Reserves
  12. Data for BPA Reserves Deployed and BPA State(s):
    (Note-New data format for 2022 and beyond implemented 08/17/22)
    2025   2024   2023   2022   2021  
    2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011  
    2010   2009  
    Data at 5-minute increments for years 2009-present.

*VER means Variable Energy Resources, which are primarily wind and solar in the BPA BA
Content Manager for this page: Frank Puyleart, BPA Transmission Technical Operations