BPA Balancing Authority Load and Total VER, Hydro, Fossil/Biomass, Nuclear Generation, and Net Interchange, Near-Real-Time |
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For Historical Data, See Item#5 on the VER page of transmission.bpa.gov
This represents loads and resources in BPA's Balancing Authority (BA) including some that are not BPA's.
It does not include BPA loads served by transfer, scheduled out of region,
or scheduled to customers with their own BAs such as Seattle and Tacoma
Net Interchange is energy being exported outside our BA - on the interties of CA and BC,
and to neighboring BA's in the PNW.
The total generation (sum of hydro, fossil/biomass, nuclear, and VER) will equal
the sum of load and interchange.
Image and data update independently of page refresh;
Content Manager: Frank Puyleart, Transmission Technical Operations, ReservesManagement@bpa.gov